Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm back...finally

Wow! This year has gone fast. It's nearly two months ago that the play season was over, but it feels like a few weeks.

 So, the play. My high school did Beauty and the Beast, and we were extremely incredible, and the fabulous cast/crew/directors should all be nationally recognized for their dedication, inspiration, and overall amazingness. That's me in my knife costume (sorry about the gaping mouth. I was singing very very high and very very loudly, and it was very very difficult.)

If you want to go technical, nothing much has happened since play season ended. I've helped my mother out with an art show in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, which went very well, even though it was frrrreezing cold (we had to keep buying hot coffee, which would get cold, and then we'd go back to freezing). I've taken a few tests, failed none of them, almost failed one of them, watched my grades hover around middling to fair, and made a Tres Leches cake which I thought was revolting (too sweet; too sticky; and too soggy) but which everyone else in my Spanish class devoured. (Maybe it was the teaspoon of bourbon in the milk, to which I've built up an immunity...oops! I mean, the vanilla.)

There's been turmoil, but nothing really that exciting. Later in May we'll be going to my mother's college reunion (Haverford, PA) and my very best friends will be there, so I'll write something about that. But right now nothing is actually least, nothing I'm willing to write on the Internet. I do have a private life, after all.

OK, because that's a snobby send-off, here's a song that I love.